Our current policy of haphazard border patrol, intermittent raids and deportations, wrist-slapping fines against offending corporations, and total lack of worker documentation has brought us to our current state: A nation of 10 to 12 million illegal immigrants who help boost our economy in certain sectors while draining our nation's resources in many others. If nothing is done we'll see millions more cross our southern border looking for a better life but end up living in transitional limbo.
The answer? Amnesty.
Registering illegal immigrants is really the only workable model available to us. Turn these illegals into tax-paying residents. It's better for the hopeful families - they'll have an opportunity to gain real freedom and economic change. It's better for us - we'll experience economic growth and cultural stimulation. It's better than what we're doing now. Set a date. Sign 'em up. Give each person a tamper-proof identification card. And start them down the road to legal residency.
Mass deportation is simply impossible. Let's be realistic. It will never happen. There are too many people here already. But to stop the flood of undocumented new arrivals while this registration takes place, an unprecedented (but possible) tightening of the border must occur. Yes, build the fence. But don't half-butt it. Increase border patrol (and prosecute the rif raf who aid and abet illegals). And pressure Mexico to get her act together. (Okay, that one's a bit nebulous.)
Obviously we'll export back south the criminals, the uncooperative, and the lazy (no one comes to America and goes on the dole). Plus we'll have to negatively incent corporations who hire undocumented workers (by imposing "draconian fines" and prison time for the executives, in the words of Bill O'Reilly). Will this be easy? No. The easy thing is to do nothing and complain about amnesty. But look where that has got us.
Also see Worry Wart: Framing Immigration Law
Open Posted at: DragonLady's World; Committees of Correspondence; Right Wing Nation
Picture Source: Institute of Oral History
We must also make it possible for honest businesses to be able to check for illegal employees without the threat of being hauled into court on charges of discrimination.
ReplyDeleteAlso the deportation process must be returned to sanity.
ReplyDeleteIn Tennesee an illegal alien plead not guilty which meant the expense of a trial AND a public attorney for someone who had already been deported SEVEN times!!!
In such a case verifying the identity should be enough for automatic enforcement of the previous SEVEN? deportation orders.
Absolutely. Businesses have a right to know who they are hiring without threat of lawsuit. And illegals who have any criminal record at all are gone, no tolerance, no path to residency. Thanks for your feedback. lgp
ReplyDeleteNow a side issue. What this might mean for the rest of us is that we too may need an identification card, one that is much more secure than our SS#. Is this a step toward "big brother" ? Not sure, but it will allow proper documentation for a number of areas that might benefit our economy. lgp
ReplyDeleteI agree that the status quo doesn't work, but I can't agree that amnesty is the answer. Rather than loosening up even more and granting amnesty, we need to tighten up existing laws, do away with others, and make it generally uncomfortable for illegals.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the whole idea that if you're born in the U.S. you automatically get citizenship is ridiculous. Why not make it so that babies born to legal U.S. residents or U.S. citizens are the only ones who become citizens themselves. This alone will cut down on a huge quantity of illegal immigration for the sole purpose of having a child here and then fighting to stay because their child is a US citizen.
Secondly, illegals should not be elligible for social services. Period. If you can't produce documentation, then you are turned away from the welfare office and you are turned away from health clinics. The only possible exception that might be needed is to allow use of emergency rooms for life threatening illness - but even then, payment must be rendered up front, in cash.
Employers who can't provide proof that their workers are legal residents need to be fined, and fined heavily, until such time as it's no longer worth it to continue to employ illegals. It'd be an easy enough thing to require proof of documentation annually for all employees paid at any point as part of a tax filing.
Finally, we need to suck it up and declare English as the official national language and stop catering to unwillingness to integrate. If you come here legally, you learn the language so that you can function within the society. It's a simple matter of courtesy and respect to the country where you've chosen to live.
It's the basic premise of giving a mouse a cookie - and we see where that's gotten us. At this point, it's time to close down the kitchen and kick out the non-paying patrons who are lingering.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Everyone who enters this country needs to do it the right way - apply for citizenship, etc. My concern is more practical at this point. We will not deport 10 million people, so let's put a system in place to document them so they can reside here and become tax-paying, productive members of our society. Citizenship comes later after proving their "worth" to America. lgp
Beth is right, Garth. But, in a twisted way, so are you in saying that "we will not deport 10 million" etc. (except that the number is really closer to 20 million, according to non-governmental sources who have less reason to lie about it). But you are only right as long as
ReplyDelete1.) Good men are willing to allow the triumph of evil by surrendering to it and/or
2.) Otherwise good men are seduced into proposing that we encourage outlawry and punish observing the law--for that is exactly what your proposal is: anarcho-tyrrany in its most blatant form: reward alien outlaws and punish those who have waited patiently "in line" by telling them "Tought luck. Outlaws come first!"
Shameful, immoral and short-sighted. As Beth says, feed a mouse a cookie...
So, get on the bandwago to perdition, if you will. They'll have to throw my cold dead corpse on it for me to be aboard.
And do see:
David, I knew I could count on you to cut to the chase! :-) Just looking at it from an economic standpoint, America does not have the will to deport 10 (to 20) million people. Are the alternatives fair? No. The status quo hurts America and amnesty puts people at the head of the line who should be at the back. But that is life and reality - democratic capitalism is not fair, but we make the best of a bad situation. I like your solutions (and Beth's) but stand by my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for writing, Lyn (aka GarthTrekker)