Residential Aliens
Speculative Fiction from the Seven Stars
Speculative Fiction from the Seven Stars
Issue #1 - July, 2007 features a variety of pieces including:
- A speculative story from Peter F. Blair titled The Day God Died
- A dark fantasy by Donald S. Crankshaw, The Hunter of Shades
- A science fiction story by Rob Carr called Not Exactly Plagiarism
- An allegorical fantasy by yours truly, A Sad Tale from Skuddledump
- A light fantasy serial by M. Vance titled The Other End of the Rainbow
- A short LOTR fan fiction piece by Jacquelyn Fisher, Took Legacy
- A book and theological review by Dom Bettinelli of The Children of Hurin
- Plus the artwork, including the cover Seven Stars, of Sarah Perry
Your comments and links are also welcome.
Thank you for your support, Lyn Perry
PS I am accepting submissions for Issue #2 to go online August 1. For guidelines visit RA. For questions or comments, email me at lyn @ rightthinking . net.
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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)