WARNING: Visit these New Blogs or Else!
Ziba Dearden from Once More Into the Breach (brand new blog and already a Flappy Bird) asks, How is it that Moslems willingly blow themselves up? in an explosive post, Islam And Suicide Bombers. (warning: theological answer) Ziba also entered: Bob Woodward reveals source (warning: political satire for pundits)
Proud Mary ("A new blog that tells the story of a woman and her baby leaving the big city to go run an inn in the country."), is 5 months old but she still snuck in with this 'stinker' of an entry, Dear Pepe. (warning: rough language ::blush::)
Brian J. Hong (from USC, go Trojans!) blogs about The Wonder Years - a three month old blog on "What's worth thinking about." His 'ridiculous' entry on expensive and gaudy gadgets is titled, This is Ridiculous. (warning: strong opinion of a college student)
Jack Yoest of Yoest.org (whose blog may be new but he's experienced!) leads from the front in, The First Lesson in How to Look Like a Leader. "Movement catches the eye. . . . [and] is useful in product promotion and entertainment. The opposite holds true for leadership presentation." (warning: lead, follow, or get out of the way)
Starling David Hunter hosts the 2 month old (and large mammal?) The Business of America is Business and lectures about The Economic Impact of Wal-Mart, which "presents my take on one aspect of the multi-pronged attack that has been launced by a variety of interest groups against the Wal-mart, the nation's largest employer." (warning: economics 201 - over my head)
Life, Florida, Whatever by Pet Campbell (a nom de plume?) humors about the bugs in Florida with, Almost winter. Now the archives go back three months, but I suspect this is one of the many personalities of an experienced blogger. (warning: a good example from bad example)
Mande Rose's PHENOMENAL WOMAN/MARRIAGE 101 states, "It's better to have loved & lost than live w/ a psycho the rest of your life." She has a lot of fun stuff on her 6 month old blog (okay, not super new, but we'll let her slide). (warning: may make you laugh)Thanks for attending this week's New Blog Showcase. For more information on next week's carnival and how to participate (or even host one, gets you traffic! :-) visit
The Showcase Carnival Home Page.
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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)