Unsolicited Comments
Humoring Today's Headlines*
Big Tobacco Lied to Public, Judge Says
"No - cough cough - we didn't," Big Tobacco replies
Allen Quip Provokes Outrage, Apology
Woody sensitive to needs of Soon-Yi
Judge Rules Against Wiretaps
Tips NYT of ruling before hearing the case
Democrats' Stock Is Rising on K Street
Value funds wane, Hedge-your-bet funds on the rise
Republicans Losing The 'Security Moms'
Soccer season about to begin
France Declines to Contribute Major Force for U.N. Mission
Because it's not a major force and has no mission
The FBI's Upgrade That Wasn't
FBI 2.0 had too many Windows security flaws
Now It's Your Turn
Lost in an Online Fantasy World
Best of your clever comments here...
* Comments ripped from today's headlines at Washingtonpost.com because they use Technorati. It's like blog fishing.
Unemployable in the real world....