If you want to expand your horizon along those lines, then you need to become familiar with Wayfarer's Journal - Science Fiction With a Difference. They aren't doing anything "new" per se, simply fulfilling the genre's potential.

Spirituality is not foreign to science fiction. C. S. Lewis wrote theological essays, but he also wrote a science fiction trilogy. Zenna Henderson's stories of "The People" are sprinkled with references to "The Power." Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles includes stories featuring a Catholic priest. Of course, we must mention, Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. The very name is an allusion to scripture.So some good reading there. Check it out. The folks at Wayfarer's Journal are also looking for writers. They are compiling their second issue; submissions are due by July 1st for an August edition. For more information, review their author guidelines. And may the Force be with you.
Our mission is to develop a venue to publish and review science fiction with a spiritual dimension.
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