Monday, July 18, 2022

Writing Secret Spice – Concluding Thoughts

What’s the Secret Spice?

                The plot device I’m using for my Ma Tutt / Mack the Magical Cat stories centers around various magical or mysterious ingredients that when ‘activated’ and used in various recipes lead to some quite unusual experiences for those who eat the bakery item. (Baking is applied chemistry, after all!)

                In these first two books in the series, for example, I’ve had a lot of fun coming up with some strange herbs and spices and elixirs that produce all kinds of odd effects. Ma Tutt’s customers have indulged in ‘Irresistible Doughnuts’ and ‘Memory Cake’ and ‘Forgettable Pie’ – all of which bring about what their name suggests!

                For Secret Spice, Ma stumbled upon ‘Yesterday Cloves’ and ‘Momentary Tea’ and ‘Truth-Be-Told Brownies.’ Fun! For my next book, Ma Tutt’s Christmas Cookies, I already know what the cookies will do. Since Christmas is a season of hope, the cookies will symbolize a new start, resolving the crisis that has everyone discouraged. I’ll need a few more ideas to round out a full novel’s worth of plot development, but you get the idea.

                If you have any ideas for some magic ingredients and their effects, let me know! Also, if you happen to have a family recipe for some kind of Christmas cookie that you’re open to sharing, I’ll give you credit at the end of the book when I include the recipe in the appendix.

                At the end of Secret Spice I included a family recipe for brownies. The ‘activating ingredient’ is the cinnamon in Mexican Coffee. So for your reading pleasure, here’s a recipe for Mexican Coffee:

For best results, use a French Press. Boil 4 cups of water in a teakettle or sauce pan. In the glass carafe, add: 4 scoops (tablespoons) of ground coffee or decaf, 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Add the hot water to carafe and let it sit for 4 minutes; then press coffee mixture to the bottom of carafe and pour into warmed coffee mugs. Top with whipped cream if desired.

                Well, those are some concluding thoughts on writing my third novel – 22,000 words in 11 days, plus 18,000 words from 2014, so I can’t really say how many writing days total I took to finish my short novel. But I had fun doing it and writing these progress reports.

                To wrap it up, and to answer the opening question, let me just say that the ‘secret spice’ in this now completed Ma Tutt novel that brings about the final denouement isn’t any specific magic ingredient. It’s not a spice or herb or anything like that, though that’s my recurring gimmick that moves my plot forwards. It isn’t a spoiler to say that the real secret spice of life is what we all think of as important – friendship, love, family, forgiveness, and a relationship with God.

                Thank you for reading!

Today’s Writing Tip…

What ‘device’ (writing strategy, hook, recurring theme, etc.) are you using that makes your novels uniquely yours? It doesn’t have to be especially brilliant (something completely original), but it should reflect your unique voice or approach to storytelling.

Project is Done! Here is the Table of Contents...

Writing: Ma Tutt’s Secret Spice by Lyn Perry 
Introduction - Tackling a New Project
Day 1 - 450 words, story at 18,500 words
Day 2 - 500 words, story at 19,000 words
Day 3 - 3000 words, story at 22,000 words
Day 4 - 3100 words, story at 25,100 words
Day 5 - 3000 words, story at 28,100 words
Day 6 - 3050 words, story at 31,150 words
Day 7 - 2550 words, story at 33,700 words
Day 8 - 1200 words, story at 34,900 words
Day 9 - 2800 words, story at 37,700 words
Day 10 - 2100 words, story at 39,800 words
* Day 11 - 1000 words, done at 40,800 words
* Conclusion - What's the Secret Spice of Life?


By the way, Ma Tutt's Secret Spice, Book 2 in Mack the Magical Cat Cozy Mystery series, is avalable for pre-order for only 99 cents. It goes live September 1, 2022, with Book 3, Ma Tutt's Christmas Cookies coming later this year. Here's the cover reveal. Check out Book 1 as well, Ma Tutt's Donut Hut.


Do you like original fiction with a speculative bent? Indie published sci-fi, fantasy, magical realism, horror and supernatural suspense? As a monthly supporter you'll receive new stories every month, a backlist novel of mine, and a weekly chapter of my current WIP. Give it a try! Details on Patreon.

Hi! I'm Lyn Perry, a speculative fiction writer living in Puerto Rico. I'm a former pastor and current husband, father, coffee drinker, and cat-wrangler. You can find me almost anywhere online, so check out my various Linktree Locations and say hello!

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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)